Friday, November 25, 2011

I think i'm in love with a squirrel.........?

what do i do?!?! he's ever secretly Superman!I think i'm in love with a squirrel.........?
omagee thats me!I think i'm in love with a squirrel.........? should ask him/her out..........

: )

good luck.......
No prob. It happens to all of us at one point or another. Mine was called ';Chip';.
that is good for you to like a squirrel
What ... are you nuts?
Stick with him; how can you go wrong and I'm sure you'll go for plenty of rides.
embrace your feelings! lol :)
I saw it first! Cat fight.
Trap him in a cage and do some naughty stuff!

have a chocolate brownie sundae with him then marry him and the sundae!

O.K. I've absolutely had it! Who can tell me how to get the #%&$# squirrel out of the attic???

call animal control for a ';live'; trap. So it can be set free somewhere else. They usually have them and will loan then out. Bait it with dried corn.O.K. I've absolutely had it! Who can tell me how to get the #%%26amp;$# squirrel out of the attic???
Lay a trail of nuts from the attic to the back door and out into the garden. Keep quiet and out of sight but have a camera running.

That's all I can think of.O.K. I've absolutely had it! Who can tell me how to get the #%%26amp;$# squirrel out of the attic???

Maybe just leave a window open. I don't know

Good luck. : )))

(still chuckling)
buy a live trap put corn in it and catch him

find out where he got in and when he comes out to eat plug up the hole

use poison

get a pellet gun and shoot him

thats all i can think of good luck
lol ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha

heee heee wheeze

Call a pest control person. There are some who do not use the nasty chemicals. They should know what to do .....

best wishes, with your squirly problem,


Star Spinner
LOL...I think you'll have to call animal control
Build him a new house....something nice so he'll want to move.

I own a 675fps with a 9* 35 powered scope. Is this o.k to use at say 15ft or less for squirrel hunting?

First of all, if you need a scope at 15 feet, you better

get your eyes checked. Then again, I really doubt that you

can get within 15 feet by stalking a squirrel. Not unless the

squirrels aren't afraid of people.

What is 9* 35?

That doesn't make any sense.

Also, 675fps from what kind of gun?

Do you have a chronograph that tells you that you're gun is

actually shooting 675? Because if you're going by what the manufacturer states, it's wrong. Manufacturers ALWAYS

EXAGGERATES what their gun shoots, it's part of marketing.I own a 675fps with a 9* 35 powered scope. Is this o.k to use at say 15ft or less for squirrel hunting?
9*35 translates into ';9 by 35'; power of the scope

also 675 fps is not impossible and is actually kind of slow, with new pellet rifles clearing 1300fps

maybe people shouldn't answer a question if they don't know what they are talking about, i believe the term i am looking for is called ignorant

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I own a 675fps with a 9* 35 powered scope. Is this o.k to use at say 15ft or less for squirrel hunting?
Why would you need a scope if your target is only 15 ft away? Sounds like you need a bit more target practice.
If it's legal in your local game regs to hunt them with an air rifle, use a good hunting pellet and it ought to do the trick at no further than that.
Fo sure
I don't think your gun is strong enough to kill a squirrel. Its a pellet gun, right?
actually i dont think so unless maybe u get it in the head and i still dont know about that cuz i have a 1000 fps pellet guns and it sometimes has trouble taking them ugle varmints out...

Have you ever thrown a nut at a squirrel?

My friends used to have a pet squirrel when I was little and we would toss nuts at him.Have you ever thrown a nut at a squirrel?
toss peanutsHave you ever thrown a nut at a squirrel?
No I haven't....but one of these days I might throw a nut at a car that's driving by and i'll break their window. lmao.

Doof-vey!! who'd win, amrud vs. a squirrel?

serious answers onlyDoof-vey!! who'd win, amrud vs. a squirrel?
pshhh! i'm havin' squirrel and dumplin' for supper tonight!Doof-vey!! who'd win, amrud vs. a squirrel?
oh pupupleeease!!! you need to ask! Amrud has nothing on squirrel....

bye bye Amrud!
Im just going to sit here with some popcorn.

*waves a Go Amrud sign*
I will answer this when it doesnt have to be serious....

oh and the Geico squirrels that high-5 each other....they tag team, he doesnt....
seriosly doofy your keeping me up, WTF are you drinking :)
  • eye concealer
  • Do squirrels clean their acorns before eating them?

    Yes. They store them away and often dirt and debris falls onto them. They are clever in cleaning and peeling away the outer shell of the acorns before indulging. Why do you ask?Do squirrels clean their acorns before eating them?
    go find one and put a camera on it and see, or just ask them.Do squirrels clean their acorns before eating them?

    Will you ask the mole or the squirrel ?

    The Squirrel...I dont trust MolesWill you ask the mole or the squirrel ?
    The squirrel. I can't see the mole, he's underground.Will you ask the mole or the squirrel ?
    Definitely the mole...!
    the mole
    Squirrles keep trying to carry me off ...... The mole is more down to Earth !
    The squirrel, hes nutty like me.
    the mole to find out what I'm getting for christmas
    I'd be digging myself a hole if I asked the mole and the squirrel is just nuts!
    the squirrel i just don't like moles
    whoever is nicer

    The Mole, the squirrel is too busy talking to everybody else.
    I would ask the mole. The squirrel might eat my nuts......
    The squirrel............ but what am I asking, that might make a difference, I may have to ask the mole.