Saturday, August 21, 2010

My 11 year old cat has killed 2 squirrels and ate only there brains. Is this a sign of something.?

She has cat food and plenty of it. She's never done this before. She has killed birds and mice but not squirrels. And she is not a big cat and these are big squirrels!My 11 year old cat has killed 2 squirrels and ate only there brains. Is this a sign of something.?
The cats are maybe most aggressive animals.They kill for fun even if they are not hungry.They are very good predators and there is nothing you can do.In some places cats killed up to 100 young birds per day,witch leaded the humans to kill cats in that place.The cat who is left in wild will eat almost everything and has a best chances of surviving and the people who have problems with those cats eating their chickens call them wild cats.If your cat is young try to let her out less so she cant kill.

I have a cat and one they I found a head of a turkey in my house :SMy 11 year old cat has killed 2 squirrels and ate only there brains. Is this a sign of something.?
It is a rare cat that will take on a squirrel, as squirrels have formidable weapons (claws and teeth).

People get upset when they see things like animal by-products on cat food labels. But your cat is letting you know that brains are very tasty, and if they were in cat food, they would be labeled as animal by-products.

When a cat kills an animal, often the first thing they will eat are things we would never consider.
Not sure. I had a 14 lb neutered male that would kill a few squirrels - he usually ate most of it - and he was well fed.

The thing I'd be worried about is rabies (squirrels can carry rabies). I do hope your cat is up to date on shots including rabies. If she goes outside, she should be vaccinated every other year for shots and rabies shots.
the only thing to be concerned about is de worming your cat regularly. since your cat goes outside and eats animals it is very likely to get worms, many times through out the year. They get them from ingesting animals who are infected or from ingesting fleas, so make sure you keep up with flea medication also.
no my cats have killed bunnies squirells bugs mice rats birds and they have plenty of food its in a cats nature to hunt because they r related to tigers lions pumas all those hunt and way before cats were pets they would hunt 2 plus maybe he just saw a squirrel and decided to chase and found out u could eat it so he did
Nature's own little hunters don't really care about how well fed they are when there's a hoppity skippity thing with a tasty brain flashing its fluffy tail at me and calling me ';Chicken';...

hem hem...

Sorry, previous life flashback there ;-)

Seriously, treat her for fleas and worms. Sq's are notorious carriers and you may catch them too.
Don't worry about it. there is nothing to be frightened, scared or worried about at all. Killing squirrels, birds, mice ETC, even when they have plenty of food/water, is totally natural for a cats behaviour.
it's perfectly normal there related to the wildlife tiger,lion etc. so it's not too bad since there family of tigers and lions eat live then dead zebra's,Buffalo,deer,antelope etc.
I have a 9 year old male cat and when he kills mice, he will only eat the heads so it might be just a treat for them... Uggg lol
Yes this shows that your cat is a predator and likes to hunt regardless of how much you feed them sometimes cats just want a diy meal my cats love to eat mice
Maybe she Fancied tryin something new ?

i dont think its a sign of anything :S

Maybe call a vet and ask for there opinion
Your cat is Syler from Heroes.
ooooo thats quite strange, i dunno, maybe she just likes the taste of squirrel brain
kill cat kill your cat

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